
NIP and OALD/Oversupply

Thank you to everybody that responded to my previous posts.  Nursing has improved for us although it's not easy yet.  I wanted to respond to thank everybody before, but my phone wouldn't let me type a reply and I was too exhausted to turn on the laptop.

 Anyway, I am wondering if anybody has  any tips for nursing in public with overactive let down.  I currently lay back when nursing my son and still often have to latch him on several times to help him along.  Often, there is breastmilk everywhere.  I am really wanting to feel like I can leave the house without the constant anxiety about getting back home to nurse, but I'm not sure I can do it when out and about without my 10 million pillows and burp cloths.  Has anybody overcome this hurdle?  I do have a nursing cover but I'm still so lacking confidence. 

 We haven't started bottles yet because I want his latch to continue to improve (he's 4 weeks).  What do you think?  We're just not ready? 

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