1st Trimester

worrying way to much. hormones?

I'm starting to think I need an intervention! I'm 5wks approximately with first pregnancy and just cannot get over thinking morbid things: my baby won't make it, worrying over potential miscarriage etc. People have been worrying me, telling me their horror stories. 3 friends have already told me about miscarriages and other acquaintances who carried further and lost theirs. It's so overwhelming. I wish that when I express my news people didn't make it about them or tell me their bad news :( I've cried multiple times.

My loved ones are getting frustrated with me already, telling me to stop focusing on bad things.

Is this hormone related? I've tried reading bible verses and listening to relaxing music but when my mind wanders it goes back to thinking the same awful things.

This was unexpected but now that I know I'm pregnant my fiance and I both want this baby very very much. Any suggestions on how to calm the heck down or stop worrying would be appreciated.


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