
switching to alimentum

This whole food allergy business is getting to be too much.  I have tried to modify my diet cutting out dairy/soy/gluten, and she still had bloody poops.  Then the kinesiologist said to cut out eggs, rice, honey, oats, and all other grains, oh yeah and nuts.  I was already avoiding the top 8.  This is not worth it to our family.  I switched to alimentum for 2 days and her face cleared, her butt rash cleared, her poops turned yellow and her bloody poops lessened.  Now that I have a super restricted diet and I am giving her BM again she has a terrible butt rash and her poops are turning green and still have some blood in them.  Her pedi told me to switch to alimentum a week ago but I didn't listen and tried to keep up with the elimination diet...I am DONE.  My other son is missing out on good nutrition because I am so focused on finding foods I can eat that I don't have time to plan meals for him as well nor my husband.  Sure alimentum is expensive, but so is this diet I am on and all the take out my husband and son are getting is expensive too.  It really is a wash.

I already had oversupply, so now I am going to majorly wean down the supply and will move on.  I am still sad after nursing DS for 2 years and the guilt about not continuing to EP for her, but I have to recognize that my milk just isn't the best for HER.  I appreciate all you mommas on elimination diets and wish you the best with your LO's.  Thank you again everyone for your support!


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