
Dream Feeds

I read a lot of moms do dream feeds. From the context in which the term is used, I am guessing ths is a feeding in which mom gets baby up to eat, but baby sleeps through..? 

Right now I nurse my baby to sleep at 8:15, usually he wakes at 4:30/5. The past 3 nights he's been waking at 3:00 and 5:30. He may be going through a growth spurt, or maybe my supply isn't what it was...not really sure.

I am considering doing a dream feed tonight to see if I can adjust this 3:00 am feeding, since I'm up at 1:30 pumping for work, then hes waking again at 5, and i have to get up for work at 6. If his last feeding before bed is at 7:00, what time would you do the dream feed? I'm thinking 9:30 or 10. Also, do you think this would push that 3:00 feeding back to 5 or so? Does your LO ever wake up when you dream feed? I hate the thought of trying to get him to sleep again :/ 

Any other advice you have on dream feeds is much appreciated!  

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