
Transitioning to WCM (or any "other" milk)

Like many of you, I plan to say good riddance to the pump at 1 year. DS is almost 11 months now (sniff) and he hasn't quite mastered the sippy (with water) and hasn't had any milk, yet. He doesn't seem to have any dairy sensitivity (eats yogurt and cheese every day) and never has been constipated or had severe diaper rash (just a slightly red bum maybe once a month). So I have no reason to think he'll react poorly to WCM. 

I was planning on starting to give him a little WCM in a sippy starting at 11 months, not to replace BM but in addition. He takes 5 oz bottles of BM at daycare, and I think he needs more, so I'd like to do 5 oz BM + 1-2 oz WCM.

So how much should I start off with to be safe? 1 oz? Should I put it in a sippy or a bottle? I am deathly afraid of mixing BM with WCM and him wasting it. I have ~12 oz in the freezer, so if I say buh-bye to the pump for day feedings at 12 months (I will keep doing night and morning BF sessions) he really HAS to be on regular milk by 12 months. (Of course if he completely rebels, I'll suck it up and pump longer... pun intended.)

Anyone in a similar situation? Any advice? Or is this really a baby-to-baby thing?



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