3rd Trimester


I had 2 hours worth of regular contractions yesterday, went home, took a bath and relaxed and they generally went away...have had BH since but nothing too painful.

At my "37 week" appointment on Tuesday my Dr did not check my cervix.  She said she will check it next week, this coming Tuesday.  I had been checked at 35 weeks in the hospital (while there for dehydration) and the RN checked me twice and determined I was 1.5cm and 40% eff.  Dr. said at 35 week apt I am only .5cm and said nothing about effacement.  I have had lukewarm feelings about this Dr. since day one, she always compares everything to her pregnancies and isn't very holistic...I'm a VERY natural/holistic person by nature so when I asked her about primrose oil and other things to help prepare my body for labor she kind of looked at me like I was crazy.  There is another Dr. in the practice that is more in line with my holistic attitude/perspective only he has a broken hand and won't be in contention to deliver.

History:  I've had two children, both labors were pretty fast (5 hours from admission to L&D); I did not know I was in labor with either of them...had light contractions that were timeable (like yesterday) but nothing that would've made me think "OMG I'm in labor"...just happened to go into my weekly Dr. appointment and when checked I was 3-4cm and fully effaced and contracting regularly...some I couldn't even feel. 

My question is this...would you wait until Tuesday's appointment(I'm seeing a different doctor I've never seen before) to get checked or would you call and see if you can come in today, explain the contractions and have them check today? 

Lionyl Osborne "Lio" is here! May 23rd 2012 at 2:54am 8lbs 4oz 21inches Born at 37weeks 6days
DD #1 born 9/3/2003 - 8 years old - 3rd grade!
DD #2 born 3/22/2007 - 5 years old - in full time preschool

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