3rd Trimester

GBS+ = no membrane stripping/sweeping?

At my last appt the midwife said my cervix was too far back/high to sweep my membrane but I was 1.5 cm dilated. The results of my GBS test had already come back and we discussed that ideally they would need 4 hours to get two rounds of antibiotics in me once I went into labor. 

Today I asked one of the OBs to try it and she said she doesn't do it for patients that are GBS+. I thought it was strange because last week no one mentioned anything about this. Also, with DS I was GBS+ and my old OB in FL swept my membrane at 39 wks...

It really annoys me that this practice has 5 different OBs and 3 different midwives and they all do things so differently.  

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