
Using the mini-pill?

At my six week checkup, my doctor recommended I use the mini-pill for birth control since I was breastfeeding. I was kind of hesitant to use hormonal birth control, but after I researched it I decided to give it a go. I got pregnant at the drop of a hat, so I don't trust barrier methods completely, especially since I got pregnant through a condom, and IUDs terrify me, especially since they're supposed to make problems with menstrual periods, which I've always had, worse. Plus, I'm not sure how close I want my kids spaced together (if we have another) so I'm kind of iffy on using an IUD right now in case I want to have a second child within the next two or three years, particularly because I don't want more than a 5 year difference (when I'm done with babies, I want to be done for good! No 10-years-later baby!).

Almost three weeks in, I am extremely unhappy that two weeks after starting the pill I've started spouting blood almost as bad as I did right after I gave birth. Sometimes when I go to the toilet it looks like I've peed blood =/ I was looking forward to no periods for at least the next two months. But that beast getting pregnant again so fast, I guess.

What I want to know is if the mini-pill can affect some babies, especially sensitive ones. My son hasn't pooped in days. I know breastfed babies are gradually supposed to go less as they get older, but he'll only be two months old this Friday and I was kind of expecting that at a later date. I would just dismiss it as baby abnormality, but he's been getting gassier and gassier and it seems he's getting just a little less happy by the day (for the past couple of weeks he's spent every waking moment laughing at something, but the past couple of days he has been cheerful for shorter amounts of time each day, and he's just been grumpy all day today). 

I know that he's sensitive to my diet; I cut out vitamins with iron in them a few weeks ago and it made a huge difference.  I also know that as a rule, babies are weird and they never do what they're "supposed to do." I'm trying to figure out if he's just been grumpy because babies do that sometimes, or if taking hormones is affecting him. I was just wondering if anyone else uses the mini-pill and if they saw any changes in their babies. 


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