
Unnecessary anxiety?

I'm really stressed out right now and have no idea if it's unfounded or not.

Over the past couple of days, DS has been pretty much fighting me at every feeding.  I try to feed on demand so I watch for hunger cues (eating hands, smacking lips, opening mouth when I tap his lower lip), but when I offer him food, he gets fussy and pushes away. He may take a few sucks, but if milk is not flowing right away, he wants nothing to do with it. I thought I was waiting too long to offer food, so I tried to offer it sooner, but the same thing happens.  Anyone know why this is happening?? Is my son's behavior normal?

Because this is happening, I don't feel DS is eating enough (he still has enough wet and poopy diapers though). To add to the stress, if DS isn't eating as much as often, I'm worried my supply will drop.  I have one "good" performing breast and one that feels like a "dud" and it is more evident than ever.

Is there anything I can do to help my "dud" perform better?  I already take fenugreek, but do you think I should take Mother's Love More Milk to help up my supply/milk flow??

Any and all input would be very helpful.  Thank you! 


Feb'12 March Siggy Challenge - Lucky Charm
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