
FIL vent....

I just need to vent for a moment about my Father In Law. My in-laws are great most of the time. They were so supportive during our wedding was my parents that drove me crazy. Now that our LO is here, it seems the tables have turned.

BFing was a struggle for me at first. We were giving bottles of pumped milk and I was breastfeeding. I tried to pump as much as I could, but DH was just pulling bottles of BM out of the fridge and giving them to DS, and I didn't always have an opportunity to pump while he was feeding...because of this my supply tanked. After that, I told DH that I needed to BF exclusively at least until I could establish a supply, then he could give one bottle per day, and preferrably during times when I can pump while he's feeding. Also...I like to save those bottles for daddy to feed DS, not just whoever wants to. Well, my FIL is retired and likes to come over during the day...which is fine. I don't mind...I like the help because I can get things done. Problem is...he always wants me to go run errands and leave him a bottle. I've told him multiple times why i'm not interested in "just leaving him a bottle" and prefer to stay with LO or keep him with me to feed him myself. In addition, he keeps bugging us to let them keep him overnight because I have a nice freezer stash now and can "just leave them bottles". I have promised the that they can keep him overnight when he's not bfing anymore...but it doesn't seem to be helping. I was putting some pumped milk in the freezer today and the subject came up again. Again, I explained why I am choosing to BF as much as possible and only leave him with others and bottles when we have no other which he responded...."I would just hate to see him 5 years old and still breastfeeding". umm....excuse me? First of all, it's none of his business how long my hubby and I decide that our son should be BF for (my goal is 6 months, but i'm considering up to a year if I can do it...BFing any longer than that is not for me anyway). Second, our DS is only 2 months old. I don't see how insisting that he is BF as much as possible at 2 months translates to him being BFed up to 5 years old. I have a feeling it stems from him being upset that I won't just leave LO anytime and give them bottles....but come on!!!

OK, vent over. I don't need advice. If it comes up again I'm going to have to tell him to back off...but if anyone wants to share their own crazy in-law (or parent) stories....I would love to hear them.

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