1st Trimester

Weird Strech Mark Occurance

This is going to sound extremely strange and your prob. going to think that I'm imagining it but...

About two weeks ago, I get up from bed on a Sunday and look in the mirror, and lo and behold there is the beginning of a tiny stretch mark on my right side of the belly. Not a pant mark, or a shirt mark, but 1 stretch mark. Obv. I get very upset and start rubbing my cocoa butter into it. there I am all shined up and upset and start to get ready to leave. I keep lifting my shirt to look at it, rub it, put more lotion on etc.  So I'm hanging out with my brother, shopping etc. When I meet up with my husband, he's like ok let me this strech mark and I left my shirt- its gone. Its totally not there. He made fun of me for days.

Yesterday, same situation happens, other side though. After I get home from work- I'm examining my belly and right by my belly button on the left side there is a stretch mark. No where near where any of my clothes were. This one is deeper and longer. I start to massage it with tons of the butter and it wont go away. I figure I'll resolve myself to these marks, but by the time my husband gets home about 2 hours later. It's gone again.

Now I'm not crazy, I know what I'm seeing and I know stretch marks don't just "disappear." But I'm at a loss to describe this. Im 100% sure the second one  wasn't the result of clothes. FYI- I'm using palmers organic coca butter in the tub.

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