1st Trimester

Would you be worried?

Or am I just being stupid?

I am fairly sure I was 6w4d for my ultrasound last week. I did not chart, but I remember getting egg white CM on Friday, and we had sex once Saturday night, so I am assuming I ovulated Sunday, but I guess it could have been Monday.

So I would have been 6w4d or possibly 6w3d.

My baby measured 6w1d. Very strong HB, however.

DD was never more than one day off, although with her, I was charting and knew exactly when I ovulated.

I just get nervous because I do have a history of low progesterone. I was taking supplements but also found out a few days after the U/S that my level was only 13 -- in the normal range, but at the low end, even with the supplements.

I have since doubled up on my suppositories. But I can't help but worry that the baby was lagging behind because of my progesterone.

Tell me I'm being stupid.

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