
increasing supply

with DS1 i remember pumping 8 to 10 oz every time i pumped. I exclusively pumped with him after he was 3 months old.

with DS2 (5 months old) i only pump at work and nurse at home.  But i can only pump about 4 oz each time (30 minutes) so my nanny has been complaining and telling me to leave more. 

The problem is, he's totally fine with me on the weekends and what i have to offer him. I feel like she sticks a bottle in his mouth every time he fusses, even when he's not hungry.   What do i do? i don't want her supplementing since it's going to screw me up on the weekends and the only reason i'm able to nurse is b/c i don't have to pump at home (my toddler is scared of the pump).

I want to increase my supply and have been co-sleeping with him so that he nurses a lot at night (he wakes up a LOT at night) and i've been drinking mothers milk, adding an extra pump session which only gives me 1 oz for 15 minutes. I've been drinking mothers milk tea. eating oatmeal for breakfast. Anything else? 

He's totally fine when it's just us two and is gaining perfect amount of weight (he was 15 lbs at 4 months).


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