1st Trimester

Spotting at 12 weeks


So I just went through a tough week of ups and downs.  I had been spotting off and on for the past week and finally went to see my Dr. today (wasn't too worried since I was not having any cramps or anything RED).  He checked and made sure that the placenta did not detach from my uterus (YIKES), which it had not, Thank God!  I asked him about whether a UTI could cause it (after a week of searching the internet, I finally saw a comment that it could be the culpret)...turns out I do have a UTI.  First time I was ever thankful to have one.  Now I have to get a prescription for an antibiotic filled.  So,if you are ever spotting make sure to call your Dr. and save yourself the stress. 

IAmPregnant Ticker
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