1st Trimester

NT Scan and as always my Dr. office drives me crazy!

When I first found out I was pregnant my regular dr. got me a referral to the dr. I see now.  He is fine, but the people in his office have messed up consistently on several fronts.  They assured me last time I was there- they would be on top of it and profusely apologized for all the previous issues. 

I have a home health nurse and a PICC line with zofran, phenergan and IV fluids so I know that I am not the typical patient....they called two weeks ago to change my appt. and I asked about the Maternal Fetal appt I was suppose to have...the person on the phone was like- why would you need that?  Ummm I guess my age is what the Dr. told me.  I will be 39 when I deliver....OH MY GOSH- that should have already been scheduled...blah blah blah.  So they scheduled it for today May 16th.  I then asked if that would be too late?  She said No....you will be 13w6d so it should be fine.

So I go for the NT scan today...and they informed me my due date was changed by whoever called to make the app and I was really only 12w6dt.  Changed from Nov 16th to Nov 22nd.  I was a little more than shocked since my dr. told me they would not be changing it.  I have consistenly measured a week behind since the beginning apparently due to late ovaulation because I am sure of the date of my LMP. 

Baby looked great....didn't even do the bloodwork- personal choice.  The NT fluid was well within normal limit and we saw a nasal bone (although they told me they don't include that anymore in assessment).  I know I have a lot to be thankful for...despite being sick baby looks great.  HR was 160.  Since the dingbat from my  Dr. office changed the date all on her own apparently it pushed my ultrasound back 11 days...which means my mom who lives out of state can't go.  ARGGGGGG that woman drives me nuts.  I see my dr. tomorrow.  I am not sold on him like I was my OB with my DDs but I just moved here and don't know anyone.  Despite all the screw ups and there have been several- I had hyperemesis with my DDs so I know enough to advocate for my own health.  He pretty much does whatever I ask.

 Am I overreacting?

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