
lazy nurser but takes bottles great

My DD is 6 months old and I ebf when we're together and pump bottles for daycare.  In the evenings she nurses, but I don't think she's getting enough b/c she's waking at night for a feeding.  I know she's hungry b/c she eats and falls right back to sleep.  I've noticed that she falls asleep much more quickly and I think it's because she's so tired at the end of the day.  Last week I couldn't be home at bedtime so DH gave her a bottle and put her to bed.  She slept until 6:45!!

So, now I'm thinking I should start giving her a bottle before bed to ensure she gets those ounces and doesn't wake to eat.  But I hate to think that I'm going to have to pump more, as it's already a PITA to pump 2-3 times a day as it is.  Or should I just suck it up, as this is part of being a mommy?  I'm happy to still get up at night to nurse, and will do whatever it takes to keep this child happy and well-fed.  Any advice? 

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