Babies on the Brain

Hello everyone and a question!


I doubt anyone remembers me. I started posting a little bit a few months ago but then life got busy so I stopped. Anyway, I wanted to join back in the fun :) my son is now 13months old and we are TTC number 2!


Speaking of baby number 2, I got a positive on a FRER almost 2 weeks ago. I took another one a few days later the test was negative and I assumed it was a chemical pregnancy. I called my doctor and he said the same thing. He said to wait a week and if I hadn't started my period to call back. Well I still haven't started and I got a faint positive yesterday.

I keep hoping and praying things will turn out ok but I know this probably won't end in a baby. Has anyone been through anything similar? I haven't gotten my post party period from my son so I have no idea how many dpo I am.


Thanks and I look forward to participating more!  

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers My perfect little boy coping with mixed expressive and receptive speech disorder, sensory processing disorder and low muscle tone. Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Little boy #2 due My 2, 2013
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