
If you drop a pump...

So, I've experimented with dropping my nightly pumping.  I bf DD in the morning and evening when I'm home from work, pump 3X when I'm at work, and bf her on the weekends.  Up until recently, I also pumped once at night around 9 both during the week and on weekends.

Since I was getting enough for LO during the daytime pumpings and since I want to not have one more thing to do at night I decided to try dropping the nighttime pumping session.

As of now (about a week after dropping it) I'm still getting what DD needs during the day, but only a couple ounces extra (I'm used to a whole bottle extra and slightly paranoid and overly cautious!).  So, I'm wondering, if I find that at some point I'm not getting what DD needs during my daytime pumps, can I add the night pump back and expect my supply to understand that I need more milk for LO?  Or did I just make a mistake? 

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