
Can't take this much longer!

I really need to vent. I am so ready to give up on breastfeeding it's not even funny, and I am completely committed to doing this. I am just in so much pain!!!!

The boys and I are being treated for thrush, so I know that's part of the problem. But I can't get them to keep good latches, and even when I think they have a good latch, it hurts like hell! There is literally a small chunk missing from my right nipple, this is how bad of a shape I'm in.....

The twins are nursing all the time, and I have a toddler to chase after too, I don't have time to pump and feed, or even put lanolin on half the time. I am just sooooo frustrated. I'm dreading every feeding now because it hurts so bad I cry.

I'm going to call the LC today and see if we can get in. I just don't know what to do anymore..... babies are gaining weight just fine but I'm miserable....

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