
our update

for anyone following our issues...

We saw the kinesiologist today and this is what she believes is playing a role in Rowan's digestive issues/food intolerances: dairy, soy, gluten, honey, oats, rice, fruit sugars, eggs, pecans and peanuts.  Also I am to follow an anti-inflammatory diet to help get the gut to repair and this diet eliminates a few more veggies, all grains, and some sauces/spices.  So I can basically eat meat and most veggies.  I am making a grocery list trying to balance out plenty of protein and fat so I don't wilt into nothing. 

Someone had suggested that I see a peds allergist and I just wanted to mention that we have already done that a week ago.  She didn't do any testing and she told me to eliminate dairy and soy and if that didn't stop the bloody poops after 7-10 days then to eliminate eggs.  She said if that still wasn't enough then I should stop breastfeeding and to formula feed alimentum/nutramigen because the diet would be "too restricting" for me to keep up while breastfeeding.  I will try this new diet for at least a week and re-evaluate how Rowan is doing, how I am doing, and if it is the right choice for us.  If it still doesn't work then I know she will tolerate alimentum and I will have to come to an understanding that my milk really may not be best for her.  After a week or two I will know that I really have tried everything (since this is a VERY restricted diet), and hopefully will have more peace about what is best to feed Rowan. 

Thanks for listening, and a BIG THANK YOU to everyone for your support/advice/encouragement!

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