1st Trimester

Can't believe I'm being bullied partly due from my moodiness from my hormones!!

Don't know if any of you have dealt with this, but back in high school I had to deal with a bully all the time.  Our senior year of high school we became friends but now she's taken the mask off and has shown me she's still the same old bully she always was.  I have been moody due to my hormones and the fact that I have been dealing with the m/s pretty much non-stop for 4 weeks now. (I'm 9 weeks now, and have been puking almost daily for the last 2 weeks) 

Anywho!  So yeah, like anyone would, I post my annoyances on facebook to vent and she always has some comment for me basically saying I need to be happy and cheer up and not be so cranky because my future child needs not to deal with that.  Well I finally got sick of her comments and deleted her today, after she posted the comment and I quote - "do you just look for reasons to be heinously bitchy?"

 Seriously??  Some 'friend'!  My real friends who actually give a crap about me are standing up for me and by me throughout this pregnancy, and even before I became pregnant, so I don't need to take her crap anymore!  

Sorry, I had to vent and get that out! She's always been a jerk and she'll obviously always be a jerk!!  

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