
Hoping BFing #2 goes better...

I am looking for any advice to improve my Bfing experience this time around.

I had DS via c-section after water broke naturally but little progress after 40 hours. Although not inverted, my nipples are a bit flat and we ended up with a shield. My supply was low and I started pumping between feedings while in the hospital. I always "had to" supplement, since DS was losing weight.

He was a sleepy eater and we would spend hours nursing, falling asleep together in the chair, waking up and nursing again. Once I went back to work I was pumping at work and nursing at home. Eventually I was EPing. I tried several appointment with a LC, Fenugreek, Mother's Milk Tea, Mamatini's, and more. Fenugreek seemed to help at first. My goal was to provide at least some BM for 1 year, which I am proud to say I succeeded. Towards the end I was only able to give him 4 oz per day and the rest was formula. I read a french study that said even a couple oz per day was still beneficial and that really helped me to not give up.

I am hoping for a better experience this time around. I am having another C on the 25th- if we make it that long. Is there anything I can do to improve our chances?

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