
Anyone give bottle of expressed milk after nursing at bedtime?

Lately DD has been fussy at bedtime -- she loses patience with nursing while waiting for 2nd letdowns.  She eats 5-7 times in a  24hr period either at home or daycare including once overnight and once very early am (5/5:30).  I nurse her before bed and tonight because she seemed so unsatisfied I gave her a 3oz bottle of pumped milk.  She sucked it down.  I know bottles are eaten faster etc but I partly did it to see what, if any, impact it has on her sleep.

I try to nurse every 3 hours during the day to make sure she is eating enough but she is often distracted and that is why I haven't tried to wean the overnight eating because she eats fully those 1-2 times.

As it is I pump enough on work days to provide her 3 (4oz) bottles.  I pump every am to get extra and send a 4th smaller bottle (that she often doesn't eat) or add to my freezer.  I could use this extra milk to top her off at night if it would help but I don't want to mess with my already fragile supply.

 Any ideas? 

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