3rd Trimester

Fed Up

So I know that many of you ladies have been fed up with the idiotic comments that dribble out of people's mouths unfiltered, as have I. While working the past two days I've had numerous people eye me up and say things like, "You must be about due" to which I reply "I have about a month left."

Well today I had TWO people inquire as to whether I was carrying more than one baby. In the first case, it was forgivable: a co-worker who actually knows who I am asked me how many I was expecting and was somewhat polite about it. I was a little miffed, but let it slide and told him "Only one. Choose your next words wisely." He then realized that what he said was a tad offensive, but we chuckled about it.

The next case came from a gas station clerk. I stopped in to pee and buy a candy bar, and when I went up to pay she gave me the once over and said "You look like you're about due." Again, I said, "Yes, I have just under a month left." She then stupidly inquired, "Are you having twins?" Now mind you, I have no idea who this woman is and she has no idea who I am. I have never spoken with her in my life. She does not know anything about me, my self esteem, how my pregnancy is going, how I looked before I became pregnant, or even my name. So I simply said to her, straight faced and in an emotionally devoid voice, "No. I'm just fat." Ha! That embarrassed her. She started back-peddeling and mumbled something about how she didn't mean it like that.

I'm constantly tired, uncomfortable, and sick of stupid comments. Maybe next time she'll think twice about saying something so insensitive to a pregnant stranger.

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