Babies on the Brain

Today keeps getting worse.

Today my dad called and said my half  brother's grandmother was dying any time. My brother understands, but doesn't. He graduates on Saturday. I am worried about the melt down that may happen due to the stress.


FF to 20 min ago. My mom called. My uncle is on life support from a heart attack complications. He had the attack last week. No changes since then. My cousin is taking him off the vent any time. She is waiting until she is ready. Her mother passed a few years ago. She isn't taking this well.


My selfish confession. We were going to TN for happy memories. Now I am packing for two funerals and the graduation. I don't want my happy memories of my brothers graduation to be clouded by sad thoughts.


Update: Granny died while typing this out. Please send thoughts to my brother, my dad, and ex-step-mom.  

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