1st Trimester

So confused...

I am not sure what is going on with this pregnancy. I found out Wednesday the 2nd that I am pregnant. I went to the Dr to confirm on Thursday. The u/s showed nothing. So the OB gave me a urine and blood test. my Hcg levels were rising. They went from 78 to 342. So I thought all was going well. Then on Sat I started some brown spotting it only lasted for that one day. I went in yesterday to the OB because I was concerned they did another u/s which showed a gestational sac this time but it is still empty. I was not too worried because I figured I am still really early on. I have very irregular periods so I don't know when my LMP was but I think I concieved about 4 weeks ago. The Ob didn't seem too worried but wanted to run more blood test. So yesterday's blood work showed that my levels are now 9000! I went from 342 to 9000 in a week. Does this seem right? I am nervous that the levels seemed to spike. I go in for another blood test tomorrow and a follow up u/s on Monday to see if the fetus is developing or not. Anyone have any similar experiences?
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