1st Trimester

Medical Vent session

So I'm not normally one to complain on here but the last week has been absolute hell for me. On Thurs. I started getting this red bump on my jawline, which I assumed was just your average pimple. Wrong, wrong wrong! By Saturday night it had turned into a full fledged abscess complete with my right jaw looking like I got into a boxing match, and lost miserably. I went to the ER for fear that it was Staph (I have had staph before and had it lanced in ER) and they sent me home with antibiotics. I called the OB to make sure they were ok, and they were, but they made me horribly horribly sick. I did nothing but vomit from Thursday until today every time I took a pill. 

I called my OB who said they would call in an anti-nausea drug, and when I went to pick it up, saw that the OB office had clearly forgotten it. Since it was after office hours, I was unable to get my meds until this morning. I lost 6 lbs from Saturday because of all the vomitting from the meds.

Now today, I went in and BEGGED my general doc. to see me because I knew it needed to be cut open/drained/lanced. The antibiotics were clearly not working, and the pain was spreading down my neck. She sent me immediately to a surgeon who immediately performed minor surgery on my face to remove the abscess. My face now looks like a mummy wrapped from forehead to neck in gauze. 

I am so annoyed at these doctors. I already have a compromised immune system, am 9 weeks pregnant, and they pretty much just told me to "wait it out" Thank god for my general practitioner who cared enough to get me immediate treatment!

Vent over :)    

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