3rd Trimester

Doctor's Appointment Got Scary...

When carrying identical twins, you're pregnancy gets high-risk. Well, my OB/GYN decided that my due date was too late. My estimated due date was June 12th, but she said it should be June 4th. I was fine with this, then she did the ultrasound and said, have you been feeling any movement lately? Well, I had, the boys practically run a schedule, and she said, because I think you might have lost one. I stared her straight in the eye and said, why do you think that? She says, I see one heartbeat. Wait, there's the other one! After three minutes of me and my fiance just staring her down, me almost in tears. I know she should tell us these things, but I wish she would have waited until she positively could not see the other heartbeat, not just say it then correct herself...
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