
What is your day like?

What does your typical day usually consist of for LO? 

I am trying to figure out other things to do with LO :)  Right now, she doesn't really nap unless we take a ride in the car or I put her in her infant carrier to do errands.  Other than hanging in the bouncy seat for an hour or so in the morning while I straighten up kitchen/have coffee/take a shower, I just play with her on my lap or on her changing table (just having her kick her feet and laugh etc).  We have an activity mat, but she only sits under it for a few min at a time (I think shes still too young).  She seems to get bored easily.  I visited a friend today and her baby just slept the WHOLE time except to eat.  Was so jealous, but he is only 12 days old.  DD never slept all day like that!  It's exhausting to not be able to have DD nap - ahh!


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