1st Trimester

Found out Sat night! Celebrated first "Mother's Day"

Hi all. My fiance and I just found out we're expecting Saturday night around 10pm! This is my first pregnancy! I was expecting my period that day but when I didn't get I decided to test. I've been charting for several months and I knew it was a good possibility I was pregnant. I also felt very different...very tired and severe back last week.

 Since finding out, I've been feeling so many emotions. I've heard from friends and family that being nervous the first time is normal but I can't shake this case of worries. I'm just trying to take it a day at a time and let my body do what it's designed to do. I'm already learning this is a test of patience and faith! Worrying isn't going to help me any.

 Prayers are requested for me and my baby please.

I am a worrier by nature so I just want to try to focus more on the blessing and educate myself :)




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