Single Parents

seriously? (vent)

So I would like to start off saying that I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and monthers day. I was away in the boondocks of PA with no internet. Well there was but it was so slow it wasn't worth trying to play on line.

Anyway I had told LO's father that I had an appointment for my anatomy scan for May 10th back in April. I got no response. I also asked if he wanted to know if it was a boy or girl if I found out. ( we are eam pink by the way) I got no response.

So I decided that I just wants going to contact him anymore because it was a waste of my time as he only responds if I want my things from his house. Which I should just go get one day cause I have keys to his house. What is he going to do call the police and say someone broke in and stole his ex girlfriends things? 

Ok So Mothers day came and went and I didn't hear from him. Ok fine wasn't expecting to. I went to bed and when I woke up there is a text from him that he sent at 1:30 in the morning asking me to have dinner with him to talk about things.

Knowing that he is not stable I don't want to meet with him. So after an exhausting day of registering for LO I sent him a text that I didn't think there was all that much to talk about to go to dinner for. He came back with: then good luck with the baby I want nothing to do with it since I am already excluded.  I told him that is his choice because when ever I send him a message to tell him about the baby I never get a response. Him: How the F**k should I feel you left me. I then said  It is your child, me leaving doesn't change that. So he said: No this is your child and you just used me for a donation and left me everything is the way you want it. I said I'm sorry you feel that way.

I haven't heard from him since.

I wish I knew someone in family law in NJ that could explain all of my perental rights to because the internet is rather confusing. I know he isn't stable and have texts of him tell me he was hospitalized for trying to kill himself and have an email from his ex stating that he broke her ribs while she was pregnant. And I love the fact that he goes to see a therapist who says he is too depressed to work yet I have pics of him all over fb out with his friends drinking and having a good time.

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