3rd Trimester


My God. Where do I start??

My MIL and I had a pretty decent relationship until a few months ago. Now? Can't stand her. It started when my husband and I had an argument, where he thought I wasn't being truthful about a certain situation...so he being close with his mom, he calls and tells her about the situation. I'm totally not upset at her about this -- this is his fault for not being adult enough to handle the situation with his wife. My issue with her came in when she voluntarily called me and basically told me to tell me husband the 'truth'...and if I wasn't being truthful, then I need to be. Called me 'little girl' when I called her out on minding her business...THEN told me she'd be at my house when I got off...

Sent my pressure through the roof.

First of all, even though you were told about the situation...it's technically still none of your business -- which is what you SHOULD'VE told your son when he called you about it. Needless to say, the situation is resolved. There was a lot of unnecessary stress, confusion, and drama...and i still can't stand the woman. On top of that, she's completely controlling and manipulative. Calls DH 5+ times a day, if she can't reach him, she'll call me like I'm his human answering machine...If we don't answer the phone in a timely manner, she'll show up at my house. Unannounced. Just yesterday she was in front of our house when we got home...didn't speak to me OR our daughter...LOL!!! Showed up unannounced at my house on Saturday when I was sleep...so when I opened the window to see who was BANGING at the door, she bascially yelled that I was disrespectful for not answering her calls, OMG...Somebody get me OUTTA HERE!!! I can't take it!

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