Single Parents

Exhaustion vent

For the last 3 months my DS has been having fevers at around 103-104 on and off again. First time I gave him medicine, and it came down for a day. Next day it spiked at the daycare. I took him home and called his pedi. No I gave him his next dosage of Tylenol. He played at home and was fine until around 10pm. He would not stop crying so I took him to the ER.

They ran everything on him and found nothing. But his fever stayed at 103 at the hospital. They gave him an IV and medicine then it came down. We were there for 10 hours. Ok he was fine for a few days. That Friday daycare called me and said it spiked again to 102. His daycare will not keep a child if their fever is over 100.4. So I call his Pedi and he lets me bring him in. Pedi said he doesn't see anything wrong besides the fever but he gives me medicine to give to him. He is great for a week, and I am giving him this medicine that pedi gave me. Next week he spikes again.

I am literally a freaking mess. I have been called from my job at this point soo many times my boss has gotten an attitude. So I call a different pediatrician, this pediatrician wants to send me and DS to some specialist out of town for a week. She thinks it's something called Periodic Fever Syndrome. I really want to figure out what is wrong with him, but I don't have that much leave anymore. Times like this I wish I wasn't doing this by myself. I am home yet again with a fever boy. And majority of the time he is playing not phased by having a fever at all! I was handling being a SP really good until this...I feel like sitting in a corner holding my knees and crying. The only good thing is that I can VPN into work but they aren't going to put up with this arrangement long.

I need to see that light at the end of the tunnel again. I'm losing focus.

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