3rd Trimester

LO Received Her Eviction Notice Early (Also on June 1012 board)

Had my Perinatologist appointment today! She will be a May Baby instead of a June Baby! Due to low birthweight, low fluid levels, my age, high blood pressure, altitude (CO), and that she has a fear that my placenta will not make it to 40 weeks, she is giving the eviction notice for middle of next week. She did warn us that due to three weeks early, the low birthweight (only weighed in at 4 lbs. 13 oz. give or take an oz.) and altitude, she may have to be monitored in the NICU just to make sure that she can eat on her own, and that she can maintain body temp on her own. Otherwise, she is doing well inside, but just occasionally making me uncomfortable and kicking me in the lungs still. Just a little nervous and still have so much to do. And also, needing to have NST's twice a week! Oh, joy! At least, I get to see her soon which I can't wait! DS can't wait to be a Big Brother!
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