1st Trimester

21 days late, should I test again?

I just want some advice on what i should do.  So my husband and I have been trying for a munchkin of our own for well over a year now.. I've booked a appointment with a doctor next month but I just noticed that i'm late.. i mean really late about 21 days late.. Well about 2 weeks ago I tested because we were having a house party for my DH birthday and i was going to have a few drinks. It came out negative so i didnt think twice.  the test have been 100% right so far..

But the thing is this has happened before where I've been this late, but during that time I was really stressed out.. This time i've been more than happy life hasnt been this good in a long time! So I cant says i'm late due to stress. Would you wait another week or would you take a test again?

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