3rd Trimester

Newcomer with a travel question

Hi ladies,

 I'm finally over here from 2nd Tri, and I thought I'd start off by getting your opinion on something.

Every July, my in-laws rent a beach house for a week on the Jersey Shore. They always invite me, DH, BIL, and BIL's girlfriend along to vacation with them for the first weekend of their trip, and we usually have a pretty good time. I have a feeling that this year, the family time will be especially important to them, as last year the trip had to be cancelled very last minute over unforeseen complications with the rental agency, but anyway...

This year, I'll be about 37 weeks pregnant on the weekend we would be going away, and I'm wondering if it would make sense for me to make the trip. It's only about two hours away by car, but in traffic it could be considerably more. Also, since this is my first baby, I have no idea how I'm going to feel at that point.  The house where we stay is big and very comfortable, but the beach is a block or two away from a bathroom, which worries me. And will I be able to do any more than just sit on a blanket under an umbrella, anyway? Will it even be worth it?

Of course, that close to my due date I would check with my doctor before going anywhere, but I was just curious about what you ladies thought--especially those of you who are or have already been that far along in your pregnancy.  

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