3rd Trimester

Kyler Davids birth story (with PIP)(also posted on May 2012)

Wow... been a week already!!! Man, they sure are right when they say time goes by faster when your little one is born! Well, here goes:

Last Monday, the 7th I went in at 7am when my doctor wanted to start the induction process. They started pitocin right at 8am, and was pretty slow going.  They continuously upped my pit intake every 30 min, and contractions started around 9. I was able to handle them until around 230, and then decided to get an epi since the contractions were all in my back. Once I got the epi I was able to get a couple of hours of sleep, which was great!

Well, nothing really went on until around 930, when they checked me and I was at an 8. At this time, they started bringing in all the stuff needed for the delivery. About 10 min later they checked me again and I was at a 9 almost a 10. They said to start pushing in just a few min. I started pushing just a couple min after 10, and my doctor came in at about 1020. At 1033, Kyler was born! 27 min of pushing was all it took, and I wasn't going to complain!!! He did do an episiotomy so while he was stitching me up, my H was over with Kyler while he was getting measured and weighed. He was 21" long, and 6 pounds 4 ounces. 

Well, sitting here now just looking at him and could stare for hours on end!!! But... he is getting hungry... so I better get going... and cuddle with my little man!

 But here he is from this morning... 


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