
Fighting to feed- Help please

Baby is 9 days old.

I exclusively breastfeed her in the hospital, but because she dropped so much weight I started pumping.  I couldn't produce enough milk to supplement her feedings so we are having to use formula.  It takes me two days to get enough for a 2 oz bottle.  I'm pumping at least 4 times a day for 20-25 mins at a time.  

I have met with a lactation specialist who told me to take some supplements, fenugreek and blessed thistle (3 times a day).  I'm taking them, pumping, and still trying to get baby girl to nurse.  

Now she wants nothing to do with me, and I feel lucky if I get her to take a few sucks.   I want to breastfeed desperately, but feel like I'm fighting a losing battle.

Does anyone have ANY suggestions.  I am almost to the point of being ok with pumping and bottle feeding her, but I have to produce enough to feed her.  I know this is when it will either make it or break it...... and I want it to work.


Help please..... 


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