3rd Trimester

Opinions are like a$$holes....

I'm 2 days away from my due date and need to vent again because now everyone in the world has an opinion about L&D.  These 2 are just from this morning...

"My only advice (that I wish I had known) - was don't let them break your water!  Let it break on its own... even if being induced.  If you are not sure why I say this - give me a call and I will explain."

 "So Sue told me to tell you not to let the Drs induce you unless its an emergency, she said it is awful and she will not do that again"

 My response is "I trust my doctors and know that they will make the decisions that are right for me because everyone's L&D is different".  But COME ON PEOPLE....way to try to make me needlessly worry about even more stuff right now other than just dealing with the anticipation of wondering when is he going to get here!

Anyone else out there had the horror stories/advice start coming right before you are due?


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