Babies on the Brain

Daily headaches

I tend to clench my teeth a lot. I've already tried mouthguards-they didn't help. Between that and being stressed out over finding a new vehicle, I'm getting daily headaches. We found a ford escape that we really like, but it's a bit out of the price range we wanted to stay in. On one hand, I know we can afford the payment, but on the other it probably isn't the wisest decision. DH isn't making things easier-he's the one who found it after I jokingly suggested that he take my car and I get an escape. Also, he refuses to even consider any white vehicles. Most of the decent cars I've found are white. I keep going back and forth between wanting this escape and thinking it's a mistake. I really just want this to be over. I did find an escape with a standard transmission that is well within our budget, but I'm not so sure about it. I can drive a standard, so that's not a problem. I'm just not sure about driving a standard in city traffic.

Sorry about being so whiny about this. We've already gotten the first check from the insurance co; once we get the second, we can buy. The new title (sans cosigner's name) should come in the mail today, then I can mail off the docs to the insurance tomorrow. I imagine that it'll take until Monday to get the second check. The other company still hasn't admitted fault, so we're still on the hook for the rental and $1000 deductible.

Sidenote: I almost referred to the standard escape as a manual escape. My brain went straight to the gutter. 

imageimage 318/13,000=2.5% Started TTC in June 2008. Took a few breaks here and there. We started TTC again in Jan 2012. TTC #1, Cycle 33.
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I've given up charting but here's the link anyway.
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