3rd Trimester

WWYD - BP high at home, fine at Dr office

For the past month I've felt horrible so I started monitoring my BP. At home, on multiple occasions I get readings 140/90 and over. At the Dr office my PB is 120/80 (normal) so they are not concerned. Every time it happens at home I have to stop what I am doing and lie down on my left side for 30 minutes in order to get it to come back down. I have tried to explain this to my OB and midwife but they basically said there is nothing wrong with me and there is no protein in my urine so they are not worried. I am to the point where I dredge every single Dr visit and am so scared that my BP will shoot up at home and I'll need to go to the nearest hospital instead of the one I plan to deliver at. What would you do? 
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