3rd Trimester

oh you are going to BF... ya right...

I don't know why people have to be so negative.. I have a Aunt who is really good at 'raining on your parade' you could say. She was over for mothers day and went on and on about how I was going to fail at breast feeding (because she only did it for 2 days) and that I was going to fail at making her baby food because she thought it was too hard... On top all of this she kept saying how bad my daughter was going to sleep & behave etc. again because that is how her *** of a daughter turned out... 

People just need to keep their mouthes shut... can't they just be supportive.. In my opinion my aunt just would not be able to handle if I could do something she couldn't

Oh and with my hormones the way they are i just wanted to tell her to bite me and mind her own business.. haha 


What do you all say to people who are discouraging you before or after your baby gets here?? 

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