
Getting judged more since TIME article came out

I am nursing ds with some supplementation due to low supply and we are at 10 months. I went back to work at 7 weeks and pump at work and nurse when with ds. I got support from everyone until around 6 months. Then I got people saying "are you still doing that?" "why are you driving yourself nuts?" and judgmental looks and comments. I have been able to shrug them off and laugh. 

Friday (even before the article came out) a co-worker had an issue that I asked for a break to be scheduled at 9:15 during a full day of CSE meetings (I work in a school and we start at 7:30 and I pump at 6 am then 9:15 then 12:15 then after school because this allows me to be available for my students during their electives (I'm a guidance counselor). My colleague was upset that the break was so early and so long (20 mon break) and called me inconsiderate. I explained to her that this is my legal right and she still had an issue with it ( I have since involved my union). So I am currently dealing with this.

this morning several people have come up to me and said "have you seen the TIME article?" with this deer in headlights look.   When I say yes, they turn to someone else and say how distrusting this woman is for still breast feeding, how she is messing up her child... They then judge mentally say I hope youre not going to do it that long and other snide comments. 

I have to admit I was a little taken back by the picture and initially judged it but then thought how I dot like people judging me so I let it go. But I really don't like how I'm being treated since the magazine came out. Like I'm some poster girl for breastfeeding or that I'm a wackado because I bf my son.

I know I new to let it roll off my back but right now I need to vent.

Thanks for listening.   

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