3rd Trimester

Carpel Tunnel

I know carpel tunnel in pregnancy can happen and its very annoying to deal with the swelling and achy hands and feet and your hands going numb at night - but what about constant numbness?  My poor right hand is swollen, puffy, achy and my middle finger has been numb going on a week now.  My ring finger and index fingers are pretty much going numb now too and I have no feeling in my finger tips at all. I've tried a brace, (which doesnt do much) and icing my wrist & hand but it only helps for a few mins.  When I write, type or text my whole hand tingles and goes numb but my middle finger stays numb all the time.  Is this normal, is it ok or could it be causing damage?  My swelling isn't severe but it never really goes away not even at night.  I've had good appts every week so far with no other pre-e signs but I do have a small headache this morning.
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