3rd Trimester

TMI: Thin, watery discharge with white clumps?

I'm 37 weeks pregnant and due any time now, and I was just wondering if anyone has experienced thin, almost watery discharge with white lumpy stuff in it? I am positive it is not an infection, and I was just tested a few hours ago to see if my water had broken (which it had not). But as I was sitting on my couch at the computer, I noticed something leaking down there (not much but enough that it got my attention). When I check it, it was very thin but with clumpy white stuff and did not smell or burn or itch. Other than the texture and the look of it, it seems perfectly fine. Anyone know what this could be? I'd call my doc, but it is 3:47am where I live and I'm just waiting till the office opens. Sorry if this is all to much info, but I'd sure feel better if I knew what it was. Thank you all in advance for any helpful information!

 P.S. I am going to call my doc, just thought I'd see if anyone here has a similar experience.

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