January 2010 Moms

XP: From the FB group

I am so over today. I went to church and the first thing someone says to me is "You look great in that dress but I'd look better if you were pregnant ". Then a bunch of people asked when it was going to be my turn and when DH and I were going to have a family and how they hoped that next mothers day I would have a baby. Our church gives flowers to all the moms and my adorable Sunday school class girls said i should get one. I said I wasn't a mom and they said that I would make a great mom and that I care about them like a mom would so that should count. Sigh. I wanted to cry; not only because I was touched that they think of me as good mommy material but because I also want to be a mom so badly. 

On a good note, our church did a great job including all kinds of moms and acknowledging the women who can't have children or those women who hope to be moms in the future. 

Now I am FINALLY home and want to crawl into bed and have a good cry..
TTC Buddies with Madeline10L (congrats!)

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