
Ready to quit

Today was a bad day, the last few nights I guess I haven't been getting enough sleep if there is such a thing anymore and the sleep deprivation has hit me hard. On top of that recently my lo gets really upset when she's on my breast. I thought I had over active letdown but now I am beginning to wonder if she is being overfed? I have been laying down to help while she eats but she still was getting pissed. So then I thought maybe she's annoyed the milk is coming out when she just wants to comfort suck? Mind you she was on my second breast at this point. 

During night feedings I did just one breast and she seemed content although woke up every two hours. Then today I offered both breasts and she seemed fine with that for the most part. Right now she is in the kitchen with my husband who is trying to soothe her, as she has the hiccups.

 I really feel like I have no idea how to feed her. I was feeding her every three hours and then I went to a LLL meeting and then basically said feed when ever she crys or is fussing & on demand as well. But then wouldn't I be overfeeding her if that's the case. I just don't know what to do anymore I'm tired, she's upset, I though I knew what I was doing but clearly I don't since my baby is so miserable. 

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