
How long...

Until intolerable food leaves baby? I can't eat wheat, soy or dairy, which is really only an issue when we go out to eat. I accidentally ate some cinnamon apples at Chilis today that had dairy. :/ normally his reaction includes:screaming for hours, spitting up a ton, milk out his nose (reflux is triggered by these foods), bad belly/gas issues and green diapers.

I ate at 1:30, and fed at 3:00 and 5:45. So far no issues except for a disgustingly mucousy green diaper at 8:00. My question is...once he has that green diaper, do you think the offending food is gone from his system? I only ate a few bites, but I'm wondering if this will be upsetting him all night and tomorrow like it has before or if he pooped it out already.(I know milk can stay in for a month...., but I am praying ths will just be over in a day).

Anyone have experience with this? I'm trying to figure out if this is going to be bothering him tomorrow still, because if so, I'm going to stay home from work so his sitter doesn't have to deal with the crying. 


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