
Bleeding and sore...

I'm sure this is posted at least twice a day... FTM and we're on day 3.  The lactation consultant kept barking "unlatch" when I'd wince putting her on, but I kept trying to get her to widen her mouth... yet her little gums and aggressive feeding have me dreading the next time she starts smacking her lips!

I've been putting lanolin on afterwards and really gooping it on.. then I've put on a pad to help keep it from my clothes but then the nipple ends up sticking to the pad almost like a scab.  When I ever so gently pull this off, they start bleeding.  

 HELP!  Any tips from BTDT moms?  I got the Lanosioh gel soothies (or whatever that brand is) and have them on right now and it feels better but I'm not sure they're actually healing.

My milk is slowly coming in so when I pump I don't get enough to really feed her from, plus I don't want to start introducing a bottle for another week or two so DH can feed her once a day...

THANK YOU in advance...  

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