3rd Trimester

taking a vacation in the 3rd tri - bad idea?

I'm currently in my 2nd trimester (about 23 weeks), FTM. I work as a teacher so I'll have 2 months off in the summer. I really want to take a short vacation because I can't really take any time off up until then. I haven't had any complications with my pregnancy. I was ready to book a cruise (figuring I could just sit back and relax if I had any trouble walking) but unfortunately the cruise I wanted doesn't allow passengers that are more than 24 weeks pregnant. What are some good vacation ideas for the early 3rd trimester? I'm an expat in Sweden and I found out most airlines here will let me fly without a problem but should I stay closer to where I live? Do you have any suggestions for relaxing, not-so-expensive activities for me and the husband? Thanks!!

 PS I'll be spending one week relaxing on a nearby island and another 10 days at an intensive meditation course (probably not so relaxing). I tend to get sort of restless and I'm really itching to do some traveling around Europe

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